Lexie Dedicates Her Time To Helping Grieving Children
/Lexie DeCicco
Lexie DeCicco first discovered Valerie’s House while attending the Calusa Inshore Fishing Tournament in 2022. While at the event, she heard a Valerie’s House teen share a personal story of loss and was touched by the account. From then on, Lexie knew she wanted to be involved with Valerie’s House in any capacity.
“Anyone who comes to Valerie’s House will instantly feel the supportive energy we provide to families who are suffering from grief and loss,” Lexie said. “They know that when they come to Valerie’s House that they are not alone and never will be.”
Lexie officially became a buddy on group night in January of 2023 and currently volunteers with children ages 8 to 12 on Wednesday nights. She also serves as a dinner helper and volunteers as a substitute to fill in for group night buddies who are absent.
Lexie said her favorite part about volunteering is working directly with the children.
“I enjoy spending time with the kids and just being there with them, even just as a friendly face or playmate,” Lexie said. “The children in my groups have become a part of me in a way I never thought was possible or even existed.”
Lexie’s own story of loss helps her connect with the kids on many levels. She’s grieved the deaths of her grandparents as well as the loss of her uncle, who was her godfather.
She said these deaths have personally affected her and her family in several ways.
Lexie deeply resonates with the mission of Valerie’s House and uses her position as a volunteer to inspire children in the program to work through their loss together.
Lexie with Valerie’s House Children
“Volunteering has taught me that no matter where we are in life or what we have going on, we can always practice gratitude by giving back and being of service to others,” Lexie said. “Just by showing up and being present, you can truly shape the lives around you, your life, and the community.”
Valerie’s House is grateful for volunteers like Lexie, who run toward the pain of grief. It takes a village, and we couldn’t do it without dedicated changemakers like her.
“I just want to say how beyond fortunate I am to be a part of the Valerie’s House family,” Lexie said. “I knew from the moment I stepped up on that front porch and into the doors that Valerie’s House would be my forever home and family.”